Advanced Analytics for Websites

Hydra-Shield provides an advanced analytics tool compliant with GDPR for all its users

  • Image The number of visitors to your web application.
  • Image The number of visitors by country.
  • Image The number of visitors by browser.
  • Image The number of visitors by operating system.
  • Image The most visited pages.
  • Image The origin of visitors.
  • Image The number of visitors by operating system.
  • Image Management of advertising campaigns via UTM tags.
  • Image Management of events on your web application such as registrations, purchases, etc.
  • +0
    Years of experience
    Cybersecurity Experts
    Clients served worldwide
    +0 %
    Customer satisfaction rate

    Customer Reviews


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    Comment Générer un Certificat SSL pour Hydra-Shield

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    Comment fonctionne Hydra-Shield ?

    Découvrez comment Hydra-Shield arrive à filtrer les attaques DDoS

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